This story is heavy going. Why not take a break and have
a look at this very cool picture? It is a composite MRI of the entirety
of our dog, True. He started having some very strange neurological symptoms,
and weakness in his legs as well, early in 2001, which his doctor thought
might indicate a brain tumor. When they didnt find a tumor in his
brain, they just kept going down the spine looking for what was causing
the leg problems, and, pretty soon, we had an MRI of the inside of the
entire dog.
Pretty neat, eh? And cheap, too, compared to what it would
cost to scan an entire person -- $1,400, including general anesthesia
and recovery for a 13-year-old dog. Same MRI machine, though, with readings
by a doggie orthopedist and a doggie neurologist. They still dont
know why he walks in circles to the left, but thats okay. After
some more tests, his doctors decided that all of that staring off into
space and circling meant he was just really senile, and didnt even
have serious joint deterioration. We finally figured out that he had Lyme
disease, and after a 4-week course of antibiotics that were so cheap my
breeder sent them to us for free, his "arthritis" was gone,
A doggie cognition-enhancing drug, Anipryl, which is sort
of like the Aricept I take now for my head injury, is helping him a lot.
But there are still some very comic moments. For example, he is so senile
now that he has forgotten that the cat hates him. We had her for two years
before we got him as an adult, and she has never forgiven him. He grew
up in a household with cats, and adored her, but every time he approached
her, she would hiss and slice at his nose with her front claws. Eventually,
he stopped approaching her. But now, he has forgotten all of this, and
just trots right up to her whenever she enters a room, sniffing her head
and her butt. She, in turn, is so much older now herself, that she cant
be bothered to repel him. So she just freezes where she stands, with an
irritable and outraged experesssion, and lets him sniff her. Just looking
at the expression on her face is priceless. Last week he licked her, and
she was so surprised, she just stood there.
True was my boon companion for 12 years, keeping me company
while I worked, sniffing out the trails when we hiked, and scaring off
dubious strangers. He accompanied me on the trip to California when I
spent a week alone, cleaning out my mothers house after she died.
We dont feel bad about keeping him with us, because, even though
his housetraining is not perfect anymore, and his vision, hearing, and
thinking are not so good, he is happy and comfortable. I also dont
mind cooking for him occasionally -- bread pudding made with Ensure and
Science Diet ND is his favorite -- because for 12 years, all he ate was
scientific kibble and water, with the occasional vanilla soft-serve ice
cream cone in the summer.
He especially likes to ride in the car now. He cant
walk as far as he used to, but he still enjoys a slow ramble around the
neighborhood, and hanging out in the yard. He sleeps quite a bit these
days, but still manages to keep me company, as you can see from the photo
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